67% of Americans are clinically obese today. Yet, these people are often starving nutritionally. This affects one’s health condition, resulting in lost work and school time.
Poor nutrition today stems from diets high in calories, grains, starches, nicotine, trans- and modified fats, alcohol and cholesterol. Diets deprived of protein, carbohydrates, vitamins, mineral, mono (unsaturated) fats, water and micro nutrients contribute significantly to the onset of obesity. When a person eats foods lacking in the needed vitamins, proteins and other nutrients, not only do they cheat the body of the needed nourishment, but that lack of nutrients prevents them from being sated, resulting in overeating.
Americans spend over $30 million dollars annually feeding pets and livestock optimally. Yet, they spend only $40 per week feeding themselves and their children adequately. When their salaries increase, they often spend less money on food, and the quality of the food they buy decreases.
Western Weight Loss Institute was established to educate the hundreds of thousands of Americans whom are eating poorly about how they can eat smartly. Western Weight Loss Institute is a team of physicians, dietitians, nurses and other trained nutrition coaches, who are passionate in helping people to achieve weight-loss success and to sustain healthier eating habits throughout their lives.
Businesses spend $48 billion annually to cover healthcare costs associated with obesity and the associated insurance claims, loss in business productivity due to missed work days and preventable diseases and injuries. Business owners can save thousands by providing employees with wellness plans that can be found at the Western Weight Loss Institute at www.breakthedietcycle.com.
Resources available at www.breakthedietcycle.com enable people to make healthier dietary choices, thus providing the public the means to experience optimum nutrition. Invaluable benefits of better health, prolonged life expectancy, increased energy, increased self confidence, improved mental alertness and sexual performance, along with reduced health care costs, are reasons to begin improving Americas' eating habits today with help from The Western Weight Loss Institute.
Extended learning opportunities and additional research and statistics may be found at www.breakthedietcycle.com. For more detailed imformation, or to schedule a health assessment, please call Ondi Shepperson, Chief RN, at 307-899-5232, or e-mail her at support@breakthedietcycle.com.