Sunday, December 17, 2006

Holiday Cheer

Don't put your health on the shelf this Holiday Season!

Here are some great ideas to make it though the Cheer with out gaining those extra rolls, chins and sags.

Before, you venture out to Parties:
*Eat high protein and high fiber snacks. (i.e. Dried fruits, jerky, cottage cheese, boiled eggs, yogurt or nuts.)
*And Drink 8-12 oz of water 8 times daily
*Once at the party, pick two of your absolute favorite goodies and limit yourself to that.
*Keep drinking water while at the party.

Keep in mind that, every bite of Holiday Cheer is roughly 100 calories and 16 grams of fat.

Don't continue making yourself sick for 2006. Over-indulgence has a price. If you do or already have health concerns, you can avoid heaven in 2007. We are here to help you get your health on track without prescription drugs and clinically proven and medically recommended.

Learn More at

Western Wellness Institute is here to stay, offering:
*Personalized Weight Management solutions
*Target individual nutritional needs (i.e. Heart Health, Immunity, Digestion, Circulation, Stress etc.)
*Energy and Fitness

Private appointment and nutrition assessments are available by appointment.

Call Ondi Shepperson at 868-2170 or 899-5232
e Mail: support@