Monday, January 22, 2007

The Cost of Rotten Food

Contact:Ondi Shepperson –BSN –Nutrition/Wellness Coach
(1-800-417-6360 ex.2175)

Corporate America spends billions of dollars annually on unhealthy employees according to The National Center for Health Statistics.

The media’s colorful and enticing advertisements provoking the senses with the sights, smells and sizzles of voluptuous treats ensures the average American to eat 3,000 extra calories each day.

The driving force of America’s economy, the Food Industry, is continually making the population sick with their use of cheap fillers, processed flours, refined sugars and trans-fats.

Health conditions, lost work time, missed school time and diseases are all effects of the poor nutrition that contributes to the 67% of Americans who are clinically obese today. Research conducted by Western Wellness Institute may be read at

Businesses spend approximately $48 billion dollars annually to cover health care costs associated with obesity and poor nutrition. These costs include insurance claims, loss in business productivity due to missed work days and preventable illnesses and injuries.

According to The Center for Disease Control, “as the standard of living rises for a country the quality and the dollar amount spent on food and nutrition diminishes.” Inexpensive fillers in foods; sugars and starches, are often made the most appealing to the general public. They are given a higher dollar value and provide the consumer the least nutritional value.

Poor nutrition today of diets high in; calories, starches, nicotine, trans and modified fats, alcohol and cholesterol and diets deprived of; protein, carbohydrates, vitamins, mineral, mono unsaturated fats, water and micro nutrients contribute significantly to the onset of obesity.

Resources found at, enable people to make healthier food choices and provide the public much needed nutrition education.

Invaluable benefits of better health; prolonged life expectancy, increased energy, enhanced self confidence, improved mental alertness and job performance along with reduced health care costs are reasons to begin to improve employee wellness.

The money spent on poor health and rotten nutrition can be saved by business owners and family providers. Businesses that provide employee wellness interventions and Wellness plans like those found at:, see increased productivity and fewer insurance claims annually.